What checks should be made during acceptance of low voltage cable lines

What checks should be made during acceptance of low voltage cable lines


1. The specifications of all cables installed shall be in accordance with the specified requirements, neatly arranged, with no damage to the skin of the cables, and with complete, correct and clear labeling, in accordance with the packaging and printing requirements stipulated in the national standard;


2. The fixed bending radius and installation distance of the cables during normal operation shall meet the requirements;


3. The metal sheath wiring of single-core cables shall meet the requirements.


4. The cable terminals and intermediate heads should not be oil seepage and should be firmly installed; the oil supply system, oil pressure and meter setting value of oil-filled cables should meet the requirements and be firmly installed and fixed.


5. When the circuit is grounded, the contact point of the grounding cable should be in good contact with the grounding pole, and the grounding resistance value should meet the design requirements.


6. The cable interface should be closed and compact, the cable terminal phase color is correct, the metal parts of the cable bracket paint is complete, to ensure that its anti-corrosion layer is intact.


7. Cable trench and tunnel, bridge should be free of debris, complete cover, lighting, ventilation, drainage system can work properly in accordance with the design requirements.


8. Fire prevention measures to perfect, reasonable design, construction quality assurance qualified.


9. When the cable is buried directly, the sign path should be consistent with the actual path, and the sign should be clear and firm.


10 Underwater cable lines on both sides of the river, the signs in the no-anchor area and night lighting equipment correspond to each other, in line with the design requirements.

Post time: Dec-13-2023